Ayursparsha Treatments

Treatments Offered

  • Ayur Sparsha is a well-known Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy Center that provides treatment all kinds of aliments.
  • Our hospitality services and treatments will really cure and rejuvenates your whole body.


  • Abhyangam (Full Body Massage) -Sarvanga- Abhyangam, Shiro-Abhyangam, Pada-Abhyangam.
  • Swedanam (Fomentation) – Nadi -Swedanam, Shastika Sali Pinda Swedam, ElaKizhi, Podikizhi.
  • Dhara – Ekanga-Sekam, Sarvanga Kaya Sekam, Shiro-Dhara, Danyamla Dhara, Sarvanga Ksheera Dhara, Takra Dhara.
  • Vasthi – Niruha & Anuvasana vasthi, Janu vasthi, Uru vasthi, Greeva Vasthi, Siro vasthi.
  • Udvarthanam(Powder Massage)
  • Dinacharyam (Daily Regimen) – Anjanam, Akshi Tarpanam, Nasyam, Karnapoornam, Gandusham, Kavalam.
  • Lepanam (Medicated Paste Applications)-Mukha Lepanam, Shiro Lepanam.
  • Thalapodichil-Spl. Head Treatment .

Certain conditions treated

effectively by Ayurveda

  • Gastrointestinal/ digestive disorders.
  • Arthritis.
  • Degenerative diseases of the joints and other skeletal system – osteoarthritis.
  • Musculo-skeletal or neuro muscular system related diseases – palsy, paraplegia, hemiplegia, etc
  • Diseases related to the Nervous system – epilepsy, insomnia, depression and other associated complaints of headache, migraine.
  • Skin diseases
  • Diseases related to Respiratory system
  • Improvement of cardiovascular functioning
  • Metabolic disorder – diabetes, obesity
  • Diseases specifically associated with women dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia etc

Ayurvedic Management

Ideal Time For Rejuvenation Therapies:

Everything in this universe is constantly undergoing a change. Ayurveda postulates that any change in the macro cosmos induces analogous changes in human body. These changes are continuous and silent, irrespective of a person being healthy or sick. It needs to be managed with an apt regimen and detoxification or rejuvenation program. The ideal time for rejuvenation therapies is Vasanta (mid January to mid March), Pravit (mid July to mid August), and Sharat (mid September to mid November). These temperate seasons are ideal for the administration of treatment, because of mild degrees of cold, heat and rain. The strength of the body is also moderate and digestion is good which helps easy and harmless purification.


Ayurveda is not only a science of medicine but it is a science of living a healthy life. It aims at protecting and promoting the health of the healthy and vanquishing the disease of the diseased .So, there is no age limit and eligibility criterion for these treatments.



In Ayurveda, health is the result of the balance of the three doshas; vata, pitta, and kapha. When these doshas are imbalanced, diseases occur. The aim of treatment in Ayurveda is to identify the cause(s) of the imbalance, and restore the balance of the doshas. For this achieved in two ways:

1. Shamana Chikitsa (Palliative treatment)

It’s designed for all types of aliments with the help of internal medicines and external therapies. The internal medicines are in form of Herbal Decoctions (KASHAYAM), Herbal Powders (CHOORNAM), Tonics (ASAVAM & ARISHTAMS), Tablets GULIKA), Pastes (LEHYAMS), and Medicated Ghee (GHRITHAMS). Also includes number of external therapies for improving health of the individual and also provides relief from any specific condition with help of Medicated Oils (THAILAMS), Choornams, etc.

2. Shodhana Chikitsa (Purificatory treatment)

The main aim of these treatments is to eliminate the internal causative factors of the disease. Large quantities of toxic bi- products are formed in the body as a result of continuous metabolic process. All though most of these toxins are eliminated naturally by the body’s excretory system, some may get deposited in the various tissues of the body, which ensures the vitiation of Doshas, Dhatus etc., and then the normal functioning of the systems is impaired. Similarly disease causing toxins accumulate in the body as a result of various factors like wrong body habits, wrong food habits, incompatible combination of food items, suppression of the body urged, emotional imbalance etc.

Ayurveda Panchakarma

These five procedures are collectively termed as Panchakarma. Literally ‘Pancha’means Five and ‘Karma’ means Action. The aim of panchakarma is to restore the body‘s natural processes by eliminating all the unwanted accumulated toxins and wastes.

The process of purification of the whole body is called ‘Panchakarma’. These are series of highly intensive treatment procedures, which enable deep cleansing, as well as nourishment of the body tissues. They include three stages, namely the “Purvakarma’s” ((PREPARATORY TREATMENTS) Pradhanakarma’s” (Main treatments), and “Paschathkarma” (Recuperative Treatments).

Purvakarma (Preparatory Treatments)
“Abhyangam’’ (Medicated oil application)

Daily application of medicated oil on the head and body promotes strength, sleep, growth, and firmness of the hair&muscles. Also eases the pre-mature effects of old age, provides relief from exertion and debility, improves vision, nourishes the body and enhances the quantity and quality of ones life.

“Dinacharyam”(Daily routines)

All things around us, the environment and even life is perceived through our senses and we then act accordingly. The same sensory organs are the pathways for most of the causative agents of a number of ailments to invade the body, past its defenced.Thus for prevention; it became essential to maintain the health of the sensory organs. Simple forms of procedures for these, incorporated in ones daily life are mentioned in Ayurveda, which help in enhancing their capabilities and functioning.

“Kaya Sekam Treatments”

This is a combination of Snehanam and Swedanam therapies (oleation and sudation). These are helpful in detoxifying and cleansing the channels, especially when combined with Panchakarma treatments. They are designed as per the specific complaints like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, hemiplegia, paraplegia, spondylosis, and other musculo- skeletal and neurological problems. These therapies, also called the Purvakarma’s, precede the Panchakarma…They provide strength and energy to the body.


– Is a form of ‘Kaya Seka Treatment’, which is a combination of snehanam and swedanam therapies (oleation and sudation), giving a dual effect of lubrication and making the body perspire. It is designed as per the specific complaints of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, hemiplegia, paraplegia, spondylosis and other musculo-skeletal and neurological problems.

“Siro Dhara”

-Is a form of Sekam treatment called “Shira seka”. In Ayurveda, the head is considered the root of the body.Dhara means pouring liquid on the forehead in continuous and uniform stream. It is prescribed in disorders of the nervous system, paralysis, spondylosis, facial paralysis, sensory and motor loss of any part of the body, insomnia, chronic headaches or migraines, diseases related to the organs above the shoulder.


-Paste on a painful or swollen part of the body or on the crown of the head to cool and calm the mind.


– Cotton cloth dipped in warm oil and placed on the painful or swollen part of the body .

“Ela kizhi”

– Bolus of certain leaves on swollen parts of the body as anti-inflammatory.


-maintenance of warm oil on the head with the help of a cap to nourish the brain, especially in paralysis and nerve degeneration.



– Maintenance of medicated ghee in the eyes with the help of goggles to nourish the eyes and improve vision.

“Akshi seka”

-pouring of decoction in the eyes to cleanse.


“Karna purana”

– Maintenance of oil in the ear for nourishment.


-warm bath in decoction or milk to regenerate the tissues usually done for piles, fissures, scrotum pain, or vaginal



– Firm powder massage used to liquefy excess fat.

“Kshira Dhooma”

-localized steam application, especially in facial paralysis.

Pradhanakarma’s (Main treatments)
  • Vamana (Emesis Therapy)-Internal Oral medicines are administered to induce vomiting.
  • Virechana (Purgation Therapy)-Here internal medicines are administered to induce purgation.
  • Nasyam (Nasal Drops)-Herbal medicines in the form of oil or powder is administered through the Nostril.
  • Vasthi (Medicated Enema)-Herbal medicines in the form of Decoction or Oil is administered through anus.
  • Rakthmoksham (Blood-letting therapy)-In this procedure impure blood is drained out of the body through various means.(Leeching etc,)

Ayurveda treats individually, with unique conditions. Even if the disease or symptoms are the same in various people, the treatment will differ by type of fomentation, or by medication. Not all people are suitable for all type of treatment and, the plan of treatment the doctor chooses for you will be totally individual.

Paschathkarma (Recuperative Treatments)

Also known as the ‘Samsarjan karma’ follows the Pradhanakarma. This is a regimen of specific diet aimed at gradually improving the digestive efficiency of the patient, along with some health promoting and calming therapies.