About Ayursparsha

What is Ayurveda ?

Ayurveda is an Ancient Medical System which dates back to more than 3000-5000 years in India. It is not just a treatment followed to cure diseases; but, a form of lifestyle that helps an individual in striking a positive balance in his/her living.


  • Ayurveda, the science of life, has brought true health and wellness to millions of individuals throughout the ages with simple changes in daily living practices.
  • This ancient art of healing has been practiced continuously for over 5,000 years. Incorporating just a few of these proven methods into your lifestyle can bring about radical changes in your life.
  • The principles of many natural healing systems now familiar in the West, have their roots in Ayurveda.
  • Ayurvedic practices restore the balance and harmony of the individual, resulting in self-healing, good health and longevity.
  • Ayurveda is the eternal, holistic, Vedic science of life, and the traditional natural healing system of India.




  • Ayurveda builds a healthy body, and establishes inner peace, this science stems from the principle that everything in the universe is made up of the Pancha Mahabuthas-Akash(Space),Vayu(Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water) &Prithvi (Earth).
  • Combinations of these element pairs create the three biological forces of Tridosha- Vata (Space & Air), Pitta (Fire) and Kapha (Earth).
  • It focuses on body (Sharira), senses (Indriyan), mind (Mana) and soul(Atma) to constitute an individual’s naturewhich is called Prakriti
  • Harmonizing these forces leads to a healthy way of life, while disruption of the balance causes ailments.
  • Today, Ayurveda is the forefront of mind-body medicines, gaining attention throughout the world.



Why Ayurveda Treatments ?

In this modern age of hustle and bustle, Ayurvedic approach to lives has become a mandatory for a healthy and stress free life.

  • Ayurveda treatments are created in such a way that they penetrate deeper to identify and heal the root cause of the problem rather than providing a temporary relief to the ailment.
  • The symptoms of the ailments are weeded out to rule out the relapsing of the disease or disorder
  • Ayurveda emphasizes that any cosmic change will impose changes on the human body as well. These changes can be dealt in a right way only with detoxification or constant rejuvenation therapies – Ayurveda treatments are primarily meant to detoxify and rejuvenate the human body and soul.
  • The perfect blend of herbs, food, gems, Yoga, surgery and lifestyle in Ayurveda treatments not only heals the physical ailments; but also, elevates the state of mind and peace.
  • Above everything, this Corporate era is definitely in need of the Ayurveda treatments and therapies to overcome the accumulating stress, pollutants and disorders in the body and mind.

Doctors Profiles

Dr. T.R. Karthik B.A.M.S

Dr. T.R. Karthik B.A.M.S

Consulting Ayurveda Physician

Dr. Karthik is an Ayurveda Physician and Consultant at Ayursparsha – Ayurveda Treatment & Training Center. Apart from that, his interest in Panchakarma therapies (rejuvenation & other oil therapies) made him practice religiously along with other therapists. He is also a Visiting Consultant to the Apollo Group of Hospitals, Chennai. His devotion towards the Ayurveda Medicine was the key to commence Ayurveda treatments and training at Ayursparsha. While he hails from a family of Allopathic Doctors, he chose Ayurveda as his specialization out of his undying passion towards the traditional medicine.

Dr. Jyotsna hails from a family of medical background hence her interest to make endeavors in the field of Medicine runs in her genes. Her passion and father’s encouragement motivated to pursue her Graduation in Ayurveda Medicine. Unflinching interest and hard work enabled her to fetch Gold Medal in her final examinations. She also underwent training in the Modern Medicine and Panchakarma whilst pursuing her Post Graduation in Ayurveda Medicine. She obtained her M.D in General Medicine (Kayachikitsa) and was awarded Gold Medal for the best thesis.

She is another master mind behind the evolution of Ayursparsha – Ayurveda Treatment & Training Center. She is an Ayurveda Physician and Consultant who aims at emphasizing the significance of Ayurveda to the society.

Dr. Jyotsna Karthik M.D (Ay)

Dr. Jyotsna Karthik M.D (Ay)

Consulting Ayurveda Physician

Our Areas of Expertise

We specialize in two different areas of Ayurveda – to treat and to train. While we offer Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments to treat many diseases, we also impart courses and training at various levels to spread Ayurvedic concepts across the globe.


In Ayur Sparsha, we provide various Short-Term Certificate courses and Long –Term Diploma courses, which are customized individually from STED COUNCIL INDIA.

Every step is tailor made by Ayurvedic Experts and tuned to the students comfort level. Here in Ayur Sparsha we take immense pleasure in training each and every student individually, mold them professionally as an expert Ayurvedic Traditional Healer and help them spread the essence of Ayurveda globally.

The certificates issued by STED COUNCIL are recognized and accredited by globally renowned consultants, institutions and quality management making our certificates valid across the world and creating immense opportunities for each and every passing out student in the world of job market.

The student will be provided with certificate with,

  • ISO 9001:2015 certified certificate which is internationally recognized and accredited by of Indian,
  • Certificates are designed with high security features like unique identification numbers to check authentication.
  • Dynamic QR bar code, guilloche pattern / voint pantograph .
  • Special kind of hologram with punched stamp golden foil to avoid duplication and tampering.
  • Govt. of N.C.T, QCert.International Certification Body Czech Republic, Europe, International Graded Quality Assurance Certification by Renowned International body
  • DAC – Dubai Accreditation Center (recognized in Middle east)
  • JAS-ANZ (Govt. appointed joint Accreditation system of New Zealand and Australia).
  • Accreditation from IAO HOUSTON – USA ,International quality assurance agency working to improve quality assurance standards of organizations all over the world.
